Saturday, May 28, 2011

Penebuk lubang kertas atau ' puncher 'old skool

N3 teman cuma satu Penebuk lubang kertas atau ' puncher 'old skool.
Di perbuat daripada logam besi dan ianya boleh menebuk dua lubang pada kertas.
A hole punch (known also as a hole puncher, paper puncher, holing pincer hole maker , or rarely perforator) is a common office tool that is used to create holes in sheets of paper, often for the purpose of collecting the sheets in a binder or folder.

1 comment:

  1. perghhh..lama gler puncher nih...x pernah guna dan x pernah tgk mmg nmpk mcm puncher la bro entri nih...Tahniah2..
